Hawkins County man Successfully Completes the Appalachian Trail

Hawkins County man Successfully Completes the Appalachian Trail

Hawkins County man successfully completes the Appalachian Trail. As witness the achievement of a Hawkins County resident as he successfully completes the difficult Appalachian Trail. Witness the spectacular trip, the highs and lows, and the sheer willpower required to finish this classic long-distance climb. Each step is a new adventure. He hiked parts of the path one week at a time. Grubb had planned ahead of time in case the weather forced the closure of a section of the path.

There are currently several written reports accessible on this video [Source – wjhl.com]

News Channel 11 :

Charles Grubb said that –

When I left work would think I was just unbelievable for wanting to spend a week hiking in the woods. I don’t know what my family thought. They thought, you know, they all thought I was probably wild too. But I met all kinds of people on the trail that were pretty cool. I think if I was advising another section hiker, I would say move to the north faster. I think I could have finished the trail in five years had I done that. And I was trying to finish it in ten years and was able to do it in 11 because of COVID.”

Their primary takeaways are as given below :

1. After beginning in 2012, Charles Grubb of Hawkins County, Tennessee, finished the Appalachian Trail on his 56th birthday.

2. The Appalachian Trail runs for approximately 2,200 kilometers along the East Coast.

3. Grubb trekked parts of the path one week at a time, weather permitting.

4. He feels that if he had travelled north quicker, he could have finished the trip in five years, but COVID-19 caused him to take 11 years.

5. Other Appalachian Trail hikers called Grubb “Grubb-Worm” throughout his trek.

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